The Catholic State
Politics • Spirituality/Belief
It’s only once we recognize that Christ is King, and submit to His reign over our nation, will we be truly able to have a happy, liberated and good life.
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Christ The King Podcast - Episode 17 - Private Vows

Here is a podcast episode where we talk about how people called to religious life need to imitate St. Francis of Assisi and other Saints and just go off and do it on their own, instead of giving up just because most orders are Modernist and sodomitical. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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Desert Vow

Here is a song we wrote called "Desert Vow", It's about how people called to religious life need to imitate the Desert Fathers and Mothers and just go off and do it on their own, instead of giving up just because most orders are Modernist and sodomitical. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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Did you feel God's call to give Him all?
To flee the world and make the demons flee?
To live in desert and pray on your knees?
To live in cloister and become holy?
To vow in penance to live poverty?
And vow obedience and chastity?
In single mind to live religiously?
And now you say you'll just get married?
Did Jesus even tell you quit and leave?

Did you quit when evil men played gatekeep games?
So you're only in the gate if you're depraved?
Doesn't seem like you read much Church history.
Persecution doesn't mean you quit you see.
Persecution means it's to the desert flee.
And though it need not mean...

TSOID (Thou Shall Only Intercamp Debate)

Here is a song we wrote called "TSOID". It's about how when doing Catholic Action many Catholics will just interrupt any positive progress in taking action to debate about the Pope, Vatican II, Novus Ordo, etc. and completely kill group solidarity. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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Christ The King Podcast - Episode 15 - To Call Sin, "Sin"

Here is a podcast episode where we talk about how in today's world it seems that the only "sin" is to call sin a sin. We talk about how this is contrary to Christianity, where we are called to call sin what it is, and to correct others. Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you!

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Christ The King Podcast - Episode 16 - TSOID (Thou Shall Only Intercamp Debate)

Here is a podcast episode where we talk about how when doing Catholic Action many Catholics will just completely destroy solidarity in groups by wanting to stop everything to debate the legitimacy of the Pope, Vatican II, Novus Ordo, etc. Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you!

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Christ The King Podcast - Episode 16 - TSOID (Thou Shall Only Intercamp Debate)

Hello everyone, could you please do us a favor? If you have accounts on the following social media platforms, could you please subscribe to our ministry? And if you don't mind, please like and share any content on these platforms as well. Thanks! We posted another hidden camera video exposing Fortunate Families today as well, so please check that out too! Also, please subscribe to our newsletter again on our homepage if you did it before last Friday (because it was broken before then). May God reward you for your prayers, help, and support!

Here is the video of hidden camera footage we took of a Cincinnati group called "Catholics Embracing ALL God's Children", which is a ministry of Fortunate Families, a subversive, dissenting sodomite group that undermines Church teaching on sodomy. Please watch it and share it. May God reward you!

Hello everyone, here is a video of hidden camera footage we took with Covington Bishop John Iffert, after a Mass he celebrated for a sodomite group, where he claims the Church teaching on abstaining from sodomy is merely "ideal". Please watch it and share it. May God reward you!

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