The Catholic State
Politics • Spirituality/Belief
It’s only once we recognize that Christ is King, and submit to His reign over our nation, will we be truly able to have a happy, liberated and good life.
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Christ The King Podcast - Episode 30 - Scandal Of Malice Vs. Innocent

Here is a podcast episode where we talk about "Scandal Of Malice Vs. Innocent", which is about scandal and how it is only sinful to scandalize the innocent, but to scandalize others by professing the truths of the Faith is to be borne with. Please share this podcast if you like it. God bless!

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What Did The Church In The 19th Through Mid-20 Centuries Teach About The Jews?

What did the Church in the 19th through mid-20th Centuries teach about the Jews? Did the Popes enforce keeping the Jews in the Roman ghetto? Did the Church keep the anti-Judaic teachings of the past? Was Zionism rejected by the Church? Did the 20th Century Saints and saintly men criticize the Jews?

What Does The Catholic Church Teach About Jewish Ritual Murder?

What does the Church teach about Jewish ritual murder? Is Jewish ritual murder a thing? Did Jews murder their children in the Old Testament? Did Jews ritually murder Christian children in the Middle Ages in mockery of Christ? Did any Popes acknowledge this? Does this still happen? Find out here!

What Does The Church Teach About The Talmud?

What does the Church teach about the Jewish Talmud? Was the false religion of Rabbinical Judaism founded after Christianity? Is the Talmud blasphemous against Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary? Is it hateful to Christians? Have the Noahide Laws already begun to be implemented? Find out here!

Christ The King Podcast - Episode 16 - TSOID (Thou Shall Only Intercamp Debate)

Here is a podcast episode where we talk about how when doing Catholic Action many Catholics will just completely destroy solidarity in groups by wanting to stop everything to debate the legitimacy of the Pope, Vatican II, Novus Ordo, etc. Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you!

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Christ The King Podcast - Episode 16 - TSOID (Thou Shall Only Intercamp Debate)
Did Ya Know Hollywood Is Jewish?

Here's a Jewgrass song I wrote called "Did Ya Know Hollywood Is Jewish?" Enjoy! Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!


What does the Catholic Church teach about the Jews? What do the Bible, Church Fathers, Doctors, other Saints , Popes, and Ecumenical Councils teach about the Jews? Watch this video to learn the 2000 year authoritative Church teaching, citing Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, on the Jews.

In this podcast episode we discuss the difference between "Catholic Charity vs Modernist Nice Guy", meaning we discuss strong, authentic charity and kindness vs fake, overly accommodating, spineless "niceness". Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you!

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