In celebration of the feast of the conversion of the hateful, Christ-killing, persecuting Jew, Saul to the loving, Christ-worshipping Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, I wrote this song today to show how through Christ Jesus a hateful Jew can go from the vomit of Judaism to a great Christian Saint.
Here's a short video where I prove that Hollywood is run by Jews in 2 minutes. Let me know if you want more content like this that is straight to the point. God bless!
I wrote a new song today called "Jew Gonna Jew". Enjoy! Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!
Neo-Judaizers are the biggest threat to the Church today. In this video, I show how Neo-Judaizers equivocate on the definitions of the words "Jews", "Judaism", "Israel", and "Judaizers", and then create strawman arguments, in order to quell all of the resistance to their Judaizing of Christianity.
Original article here:
Here is a podcast episode where we talk about how when doing Catholic Action many Catholics will just completely destroy solidarity in groups by wanting to stop everything to debate the legitimacy of the Pope, Vatican II, Novus Ordo, etc. Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you!
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In this podcast/video called "Contra Andre Villeneuve" I refute the errors of Dr. Andre Villeneuve and The Philos Project and show how Christians cannot theologically be Zionists and how Fulfillment Supersessionism is not a heresy but rather the perennial teaching of the Church.
In this podcast episode I go over "The Edomite Question" which is the fact that when Jesus Christ came in the First Century, many Judeans, or Jews, were of Edomite ancestry instead of Israelite ancestry, and then I will discuss how that is relevant to the Jewish Question from a Catholic perspective.